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The Benefits of Hiring a Companion for the Elderly

If your elderly loved one are living alone, you might consider hiring a companion. A companion for the elderly is not the same as a carer- rather, a companion provides social interaction, friendship and meaningful support for your loved one. In this article, we’ll break down five key benefits of hiring a private companion for the elderly.

1. Social interaction

Social interaction is one of the biggest benefits of a companion for the elderly. Living alone can be isolating, even in a retirement village. Typically, the onus is placed on the elderly person to ensure they’re getting the social interaction they need. But this is often easier said than done, especially if living alone is a new situation.

A companion can come to a client’s home and keep them company for a while, as much as necessary. This could be once a week or even once a day. Companions are people who are genuinely passionate about helping others and feel a real interest in other peoples’ lives, so while they are paid to be there, they do provide genuine compassionate companionship.

Social interaction can include one to one conversation, playing games together, going out for social events or to run errands, and helping out around the house. Don’t let isolation impact your loved one’s mental health.

2. Safe and reliable transportation

Another key issue with living alone comes from a lack of transportation. Some elderly people may have never learned to drive, or are no longer able to due to deteriorated eyesight, mobility or cognitive function. But that shouldn’t have to stop them from getting out of the house.

A companion can pick their client up from home, and drive them around to the supermarket, the local cafe, a friend’s house or the shops. Some companion’s cars also come equipped with wheelchair support, ramps and other accessibility aids that might have otherwise interfered with an elderly person’s ability to get out and about.

3. Help with household chores

Everyone could use a little help around the house now and then, and that goes doubly for elderly people who might not have the energy or mobility to keep up with the day-to-day maintenance of their home. Tasks like cleaning out of reach places, daily cooking, vacuuming and mopping, taking out the trash and washing the dishes can be harder for older people who might struggle with getting up and down, handling hot things or moving around too much.

A companion for the elderly can help with all of these, all while keeping your loved one involved, active and social.

4. Staying aware of changes and habits

If you’re not able to visit or talk to your loved one very often, it can be hard to know if something is wrong. When living alone, anyone can fall into negative habits without truly realising it, and this doesn’t change as we grow older.

A companion can be arranged for regularly scheduled visits, meaning they can take note of changes in habits over time. If your loved one is showing signs of forgetfulness or depression, for example, a companion can talk to them about this for their wellbeing. This isn’t about surveillance or invading privacy, but about keeping up to date with your loved one’s life and health.

5. Peace of mind

Perhaps the most powerful benefit of hiring a paid companion for your elderly loved one is the peace of mind that someone is looking out for them when you can’t be there. Many of us would love to be able to check in on our loved ones regularly, but it’s simply not practical a lot of the time. So knowing that someone has their back, can keep them active, social and engaged, is worth a lot.

There’s no way to place a value on the peace of mind you gain knowing that your loved one is being looked after by a professional who genuinely cares.

Hire a companion for the elderly through Private Care NZ

At Private Care NZ, we believe that everyone deserves to have someone in their life to talk, smile and laugh with them. That’s why we offer companionship services for the elderly.

No matter your loved one’s situation, if you think a paid companion for the elderly may help, get in touch with us to discuss your options.

Give us a call on 0800 55 55 88 or use our online contact form.